The elementary division is composed of grades 1st-6th. At this level, emphasis is placed on learning the skills necessary to be competent in all subject areas, including daily Bible instruction. Students will gain a strong foundation in Reading, English, Writing, and Mathematics. Additionally, students are instructed in Science, History, Vocabulary, and Spelling. The basic curriculum is enhanced by Physical Education, Art, Drama, Spanish, Music, Computer, and Penmanship. In addition, each class will take several educational field trips throughout the year.
At KWCS, we have an exciting Fine Arts Department. All classes, K4 – 12th, are given the opportunity to participate in weekly Fine Arts Instruction. Individual music instruction is also available for those seeking further training.
We primarily use the ABeka Book curriculum in the Kindergarten through the High School. This quality curriculum is based on Scriptural foundations. In the high school, the ABeka Book curriculum is supplemented with other quality secular and Christian curriculum.
Students in 1st through 11th grade participate in the annual Iowa Basic testing. Our students consistently test above both the state and national averages.
Below is a listing of the many courses offered in our secondary school.
- English I
- English II
- English III
- English IV
- English Literature
- American Literature
- General Mathematics
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Advanced Math
- Calculus
- Basic Computing
- Computer Applications
Foreign Language
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Bible I
- Bible II
- Bible III
- Practical Christianity
- Family Relationships
- U.S. History
- American Government
- Geography
- World History
- Economics
- Georgia State History
- Biology
- Health
- Earth Science
- Physical Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Yearbook
- Dual Enrollment
- Living Skills
- Speech/Drama
- Physical Education
- Choir